The second of two capstone courses in which students will develop, implement, analyze, and disseminate a quality-improvement or evidence-based project. Students will integrate and synthesize knowledge gained throughout the program into the project.
CO1: Implement the capstone project utilizing evidence-based quality improvement standards.
CO2: Demonstrate proficiency at analyzing and using evidence in nursing practice.
CO3: Analyze ethical, legal, financial, and socio-political practices within organizational settings and inter-professional teams.
CO4: Integrate the multiple roles of advanced nursing practice into the capstone project.
CO5: Disseminate results from project in a scholarly forum.
Educator Track: NURS780: Assessment and Evaluation in Education, NURS757: Teaching Practicum II OR
Leadership Track: NURS747: Power, Politics, & Interprofessionalism, NURS788: Leadership Practicum I.