Student Health Policy and Health Services

The objective of the Student Health and Wellness program is to encourage health promotion and illness prevention.  The College provides limited health services through Employee Health located on both east and west campuses of the Bryan Medical Center. These services are available to students Monday through Friday, 0700 to 1600. Students are encouraged to call (402) 481-8622 for appointments.  In addition, Nurse Practitioner services are available by appointment for acute illness or urgent care.  Students can also access Bryan Health ezVisit, an online virtual care service, at no charge using the code provided on student portal. They may also utilize one of the Bryan Urgent Care facilities using own health insurance.

Students as health care providers are at increased risk of exposure to communicable and blood borne illness including, but not limited to: influenza, tuberculosis, hepatitis, pertussis and COVID-19. (Refer to Bryan College of Health Sciences website for COVID-19 information).   Students are required to maintain complete and current health and immunization records with Student Health. This requirement ensures the well-being of students, clients and the health community.  (Please refer to the Program-specific polices for additional health and safety information).  

A.  Health and Immunization Requirements
All health science students with an on-campus presence and students in a program containing clinical experiences are required to provide proof of required immunizations/immunity, complete the Tuberculosis (TB) Screening Questionnaire and identify allergies. Students are expected to complete all health requirements and submit documentation by the designated due date.  

Immunizations required by program:

MSN & Ed.D

  • MMR (Measles, Mumps, & Rubella) - 2 dose vaccine series or a blood titer demonstrating positive immunity of each- measles, mumps, rubella
  • Varicella (Chicken Pox) - 2 dose series or a positive Varicella blood titer demonstrating immunity if previously had Chicken Pox.   History of disease alone does not meet requirement.
  • TB (Tuberculosis): Not required prior to start date.  TB testing may be required during practicum experiences. A TB Screening Questionnaire was completed upon admission.
  • Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis) - 1 dose required within the past 10 years prior to start date- Once expired can be updated with another Tdap or plain Tetanus (Td).
  • Meningococcal (meningitis) - Only for students under the age of 21 years.
    • One dose of conjugate vaccine from ages 11-15 years with a booster vaccination at age 16 years OR if did not receive conjugate vaccine prior to 16 years old, the requirement is to have 1 vaccination  prior to age 21 years.
  • Hepatitis B – 2 or 3 dose vaccine series (depending on type of vaccine) OR Hepatitis B Surface Antibody blood titer demonstrating immunity alone
  • COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)- fully immunized 2 weeks prior to start date or declination for medical, religious, or creed exemption on file with Student Health. Declination may result in weekly COVID-19 testing requirement.
  • Mandatory seasonal influenza vaccination-Influenza vaccination will be provided at no expense to students during the annual flu season.  If vaccine is received elsewhere, documentation is required.  For students who decline or cannot have the flu vaccine for medical reasons, a declination form must be signed and on file. 


  • MMR (Measles, Mumps, & Rubella) -- 2 dose vaccine series or a blood titer demonstrating positive immunity of each- measles, mumps, rubella
  •  Varicella (Chicken Pox) - 2 dose series or a positive Varicella blood titer demonstrating immunity if previously had Chicken Pox.   History of disease alone does not meet requirement.
  • TB (Tuberculosis) - 2-step TB skin test (two separate skin tests at least 1 week apart or two TB skin tests within the 12 months prior to start date)  OR  a TB blood test  (IGRA: T-spot or QuantiFERON Gold) within the 12 months prior to start date. A TB Screening Questionnaire was completed upon admission. If a student has history of positive TB skin test or IGRA, documentation of follow up screening/care from healthcare provider must be submitted to Student Health.  TB testing will be required annually to meet clinical site requirement.
  • Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis) - 1 dose required within the past 10 years prior to start date- Once expired can be updated with another Tdap or plain Tetanus (Td).
  • Meningococcal (meningitis) - Only for students under the age of 21 years.
    • One dose of conjugate vaccine from ages 11-15 years with a booster vaccination at age 16 years OR if did not receive conjugate vaccine prior to 16 years old, the requirement is to have 1 vaccination  prior to age 21 years.
  • Hepatitis B – 2 or 3 dose vaccine series (depending on type of vaccine) AND a positive Hepatitis B Surface Antibody blood titer demonstrating immunity OR Hepatitis B Surface Antibody blood titer demonstrating immunity alone   
  • COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)- fully immunized 2 weeks prior to start date or declination for medical, religious, or creed exemption on file with Student Health. Declination may result in weekly COVID-19 testing requirement.
  • Mandatory seasonal influenza vaccination- Influenza vaccination will be provided at no expense to students during annual flu season.  If flu vaccine is received elsewhere, documentation is required.  For students who decline or cannot have the flu vaccine for medical reasons, a declination form must be signed and on file.

Non-Degree Seeking

  • Non Degree Seeking (NDS) students with a clinical component in their assigned course must complete a TB Screening Questionnaire. Additional screening (TB Symptom Screening/Risk Assessment) may be required if further evaluation is needed.  Depending on clinical site requirement, student may need to provide proof of a current TB skin test or TB blood test within 6 months prior to start date.  Students are required to follow Bryan Health’s policy on seasonal influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations. 
  • Non Degree Seeking (NDS) students without a clinical component in their assigned course are exempt from these requirements except for Bryan Health’s policy on seasonal influenza and COVID -19 vaccinations.

Online Only

  • Exempt from all immunization requirements.

B.  Student Health and Wellness Office (located in Room 214 B 402-481-8468)

  1. Health Nurses will monitor and ensure completion of required Tuberculosis Screenings per policy.  
  2. Students will be notified by Health Nurses of immunizations that require renewal to meet continued immunization requirements.
  3. Health Nurses will coordinate the seasonal influenza vaccination clinics at the Lincoln location and will inform students of clinics offered at Mary Lanning.
  4. Students can request and obtain a copy of their immunization record through Student Health or the Registration Office.

C. Health and Hospital Insurance/Medical Expenses

  1. Students are to be covered by health and hospitalization insurance. The name of the insurance carrier and the identification numbers of the student are to be kept current with the Registrar.  Students can contact Student Health for health insurance questions and informational resources.
  2. Students coming into the College with any known physical conditions are to be responsible for their medications and treatments resulting from these conditions.
  3. Medications, referrals, treatments, diagnostic tests or other special services will be at the student's own expense.

 D.  Illness/Injury/Hospitalization/Surgery/Exposure

  1. Students reporting an absence are expected to follow the specific course protocols identified for each classroom and clinical experience.  
  2. If a student is seen at Employee Health for a health condition, the nurse can make the recommendation whether or not the student should return to class or clinical. The nurse communicates the recommendation to College personnel. The student may be referred to their personal healthcare provider for follow-up care at the student’s expense. If the student does not have a personal healthcare provider, Employee Health or Student Health can assist in providing referral information through the Bryan Physician Network.
  3. If a student is absent related to injury, inpatient admission hospitalization, surgery, or any actual or probable infectious conditions, the student must present documentation from a healthcare provider or Bryan Employee Health for review by the College Health Nurses. Documentation would include dates of absence, date of return to class or clinical experiences, and specify any restrictions, if applicable, that may impact the student’s ability to engage in normal classroom and/or clinical experiences.  Students with restrictions/limitations may not be allowed to provide patient care in the clinical area.  This will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the ADA Coordinator (Director of Academic Support and Accessibility Services) in consultation with faculty and respective medical center’s Employee Health Manager. Students are advised to contact the ADA Coordinator (Director of Academic Support and Accessibility Services) to discuss the situation and determine if special accommodations are deemed necessary.
  4. The College reserves the right to specify provisions of treatment and follow-up for return to course activities following illness, injuries, or hospitalization.   
  5. Student Injuries while attending class or clinical experience  
  • At time of injury, notify assigned faculty and contact Bryan Employee Health (402-481-8622) for evaluation/treatment if needed
  • If emergency care and treatment is indicated…. seek medical attention at Emergency Dept., Urgent Care, or personal care provider.      
  • Access B-Safe reporting form on Hello Bryan website-  use icon Employee Event and report incident as a student
  1. Student Needle Stick or Blood and Body Fluid Exposure (All exposures must be seen by  Bryan Employee Health for follow up)
  • At time of the exposure, notify assigned faculty and contact Bryan Employee Health (402-481-8622) or, if after hours, the on duty Administrative Manager at Bryan Health (402-481-1111). 
  • Exposures incurred at off campus educational experiences, must also be reported to that facility’s supervisory staff. 
  • Source patient blood is drawn onsite at the assigned facility.  Blood testing for students is completed through Bryan Employee Health or as directed by that department.     
  • Access B-Safe reporting on Hello Bryan website-  use icon Employee Event and report incident as a student

Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Policy

  1. The College’s influenza vaccination deadline coincides with the Medical Center’s designated influenza deadline.  Dates will be determined on an annual basis and communicated to students prior to the influenza season. 
  2. Students are required to provide influenza vaccination documentation to the Student Health Office Room 214 B, through one of the following methods of communication:
    1. Students attending the College flu clinics will have their vaccination recorded into their electronic immunization record.
    2. Students who receive their vaccination through Bryan Employee Health are responsible for notifying Student Health of receiving their vaccination.
    3. Students who receive their vaccination through Mary Lanning Employee Health are responsible for submitting documentation to Student Health.
    4. If student receives influenza vaccination elsewhere documentation must be submitted to the Student Health Office. 
    5. Students who complete the Influenza Vaccination Declination must provide the document to the Student Health Office.
  3. A sticker is placed on the student’s name badge verifying receipt of receiving the influenza vaccination. 
  4. Students who complete an Influenza Vaccination Declination will follow their respective medical center’s policy. 
  5. Students who do not provide the required documentation to the Student Health Office by the College’s designated deadline will be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
  6. The following sanctions will be applied to students who are in violation of the Student Code of Conduct due to non-compliance with the Influenza Vaccination Policy:
    1. Students are placed on a Registration Hold which prevents them from registering for future classes. 
    2. Students are eligible to attend class but NOT eligible to attend clinical experiences which include but are not limited to hospital, clinic, community, skills lab, and simulation experiences.
      • The Clinical Absence Policy and fee structure will be applied to absences.
  7. The sanctions identified above will be removed when students complete one of the following:
    1. Students receive the influenza vaccination and documentation is submitted to the Student Health Office.
    2. Student submits a completed Influenza Vaccination Declination form to Student Health. 

Lactation/Nurturing Rooms

  • Bryan Medical Center has several Lactation/Nurturing rooms on both east and west campuses which are available to students who need to do breast pumping while at the College or Medical Center. Accessibility is via proxy card entry, and students who would like to have access should contact Employee Health at (402-481-8622). Lactation consultants are available to answer questions or assist as the need arises and can be reached at (402) 481-7103. A list of room locations is available through Employee Health Service or Student Health Office (Rm 214B, (402)-481-8468).
  • Students at Hastings Location may contact Mary Lanning Employee Health 402-463-4521 for available lactation rooms.