Student Assessment Policy

Comprehensive Assessment
Each graduate studies program will identify a comprehensive assessment plan which will include one or more, but not limited to, the following: 

  1. Comprehensive exam
  2.  Capstone project 
  3. Thesis project
  4. . Standardized national exam

Each graduate studies program will submit the plan for comprehensive assessment for approval by the Graduate Studies Committee prior to the start of the program.

Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)
The IDI is administered to all students in the first and final semesters of their program to measure intercultural competence. Upon completion of the initial inventory taken, students will be scheduled for a debriefing with a Qualified Administrator (QA). Failure to complete the IDI and debriefing will result in a registration hold for the next semester. Graduating seniors must complete the IDI by the final day of classes in the semester of graduation. Failure to complete the exit IDI will result in a graduation hold as determined by the Registrar and Dean of the program. Students may request a debriefing of the exit IDI in order to review these results.

Mandatory and Voluntary Assessment of Student Learning
New Student Orientation includes information on mandatory standardized testing and voluntary assessment activities. Students will be required to sign a written acknowledgement of being informed about the College’s mandatory standardized testing. Any student who does not sign the acknowledgement will be placed on registration hold. The student is also given the opportunity to consent to voluntary participation in additional College assessment activities. All testing must be completed within the designated division guidelines.

Signed Assessment of Student Learning forms will be kept in the student’s permanent file in the registrar’s office