Dress Code Policy

For on-Campus and Bryan Supported Events

The definition of appropriate dress changes with time. Bryan College of Health Sciences recognizes that appearance offers one way for individuals to express their identities within the environments that they inhabit. Clothing and other aspects of appearance are important forms of nonverbal communication that affect how others perceive the wearer in either a positive or negative way. In all times, the dress and appearance for all students enrolled at Bryan College of Health Sciences is expected to project an image that exemplifies competence and respect for the educational environment, which includes respect for one another. Expected dress and appearance as described below is universal and applies to: classrooms, the library, skills lab, hallways, offices, study areas, and any other Bryan supported event.

  1. Exposure of undergarments and wearing of see-through garments is not acceptable.
  2. Daily attention to one’s personal hygiene is an extremely important component of each student’s overall image. Students will maintain a high level of personal hygiene.
  3. Dress or appearance (including skin or other bodily designs) that are derogatory toward individuals or groups, contains sexual innuendos, or are ambiguously lewd are disruptive and disrespectful and will not be tolerated. . The student must be able to comply with the policies of various agencies where clinical experiences are scheduled in order to participate in the required clinical courses of each program.
  4. Anyone not exhibiting dress and appearance expectations will be privately informed by faculty, staff, or administration of why their dress or appearance is inappropriate.
  5. Failure to comply with dress code may result in the student being asked to change clothing. Students that do not follow established dress code may have further disciplinary action and may be dismissed from Bryan College of Health Sciences.
  6. All programs reserve the right to determine standards of professional dress.